Dedicated Eyecare Professionals Tel:01274 878214
Dedicated Eyecare Professionals     Tel:01274 878214

Emergency Eyecare 

If you are having a recent problem with your eyes such as soreness, redness or visual disturbances, you can be assessed and treated by the Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)/PEARS. 

Emergency Eyecare Available at Openshaw Opticians Cleckheaton


What is the Minor Eye Conditions Service Or PEARS ?


This is a free NHS service available from an appropriately trained and qualified Optometrist in your local area.


Minor eye conditions that can be seen under the service include:

• Red eye or eyelids

• Dry eye or gritty and uncomfortable eye

• Irritation and inflammation of the eye

• Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye

• Recently occurring flashes or floaters

• In-growing eyelashes

• Foreign body in the eye (something in the eye)

• Recent and sudden loss of vision


• PLEASE NOTE THE MINOR EYE CONDITIONS SERVICE DOES NOT INCLUDE A SIGHT TEST OR LONG-STANDING EYE PROBLEMS If you have a major eye condition that is being regularly monitored by your Optometrist or hospital eye service, this will not be covered by this service. For example, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, or glaucoma.


 Who is this service for?


The service is available to adults and children who are registered with a GP practice in Calderdale and Kirklees District.


Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied at their appointment by an adult.


How do I book an appointment with the service?


There is no need to make a GP appointment or attend A&E for minor eye conditions. Instead, you can call 01274 878214


The Optometrist or OA will ask you some questions about your symptoms in order to ensure you meet the criteria and assess how quickly you need to be seen by the service. You will normally be seen within 48 hours (Monday to Friday) You can also walk in without an appointment; however, you may be required to wait for an available appointment or be given an appointment for another time. This may be because there are no available appointments that day or because the Optometrist may need to put drops in your eyes. On the day of the appointment Please take your glasses and a list of current medication with you to the appointment. The Optometrist may put drops in your eyes to enlarge your pupils in order to get a better view of the inside of your eyes. You should not drive until the effects of these drops have worn off, which may take a few hours. If your condition is more serious, the Optometrist will book you an urgent appointment at a hospital eye clinic. If you need a routine appointment with a hospital, the Optometrist will organise this for you. You may also be advised to make an appointment with your GP if your eye condition is in relation to your general health

Openshaw Opticians
Unit4, 16 Cheapside
Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire BD19 5AF
Phone: 01274 878214 01274 878214
E-mail address:
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